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December 19, 2006
Dutch Fret As Women's Breasts Get Larger
A continent of homos.
Dutch women are getting bigger breasts and 32 percent of them now have a D-cup or bigger compared with 20 percent five years ago.
In Europe, Dutch women are ranked third behind British and Danish women in terms of bra size, research commissioned by Bodyfashion Promotion indicated on Wednesday.
Some 42 percent of women aged 30-39 have D-cup breasts and feel in general okay about that. Women with a large bra size are now the largest group in the Netherlands.
Some 44 percent of surveyed girls aged 12-19 think that eating fatty foods helps increase the size of their breasts.
All survey respondents said poor nutrition habits are the cause of increased breast size. Hormones in food and the general increasing size of the population are also leading to bigger breasts.
Poor nutrition? I'd say that's some damn fine nutrition myself. These European whores should eat nothing but Count Chocula, hot dogs with 95% "beef fillers," and genetically-modified Cheez Whiz.
Thanks to Brian.