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November 16, 2006
Kos: It's Finally Time To End The Vote-Manipulation Of The Evil Diebold!!! Or, Umm, Whoever Made These Machines
Via Via Tananto, the Kosmonaut Kommandant is in tough, strong outraged mode, as usual:
own in Florida, an epic battle is brewing over the electronic Diebold voting machines that ate 18,000 votes for Democrat Christine Jennings in FL-13 and cost her the election.
Not only is an expensive recount in the cards, but campaign and DCCC lawyers are flocking down, demanding the state freeze the machines for inspection.
These are the opening salvos in what will be the battle to end Diebold.
To put it bluntly, to anyone who has ever complained about Diebold, this is your chance to put your money where your mouth is. No more talk needed. No more advocacy needed. This is a real-world, legal frontal assault on those electronic voting machines.
If we win this battle, you'll be able to kiss Diebold goodbye.
Emphasis added, but implicit in the ravings, no?
I've got it: Diebold is eeeeevil because its CEO once donated to Bush (even though that CEO has been gone a while now). So down with Diebold, right?
Well.... it doesn't necessarily have to be Diebold.
Kos' second update to the story:
Update II: Machines in FL-13 were made by ES&S. Same difference.
Heh. "Same difference."
Damn that Diebold for stealing our--
Okay, damn ES&S. Same difference. Damn somebody.
Look, I don't care if the machines were fucking made on planet Vulcan and are accurate to the nth order thanks to quantum computing-- we still won, and Diebold is still trying to screw with us!!!
This is where Emily Litella would say "Nevermind." But not Kos. He's too strong, tough angry to admit error.
What a genius the Democrats have elected as King Freshmaker.
Thanks to Larwyn.