� Steele Mocks Cardin's Use Of "Ordinary People" In Ads |
For First Time Since Watergate, NYT Endorses Only Democrats �
October 31, 2006
Some Maryland Democratic Figures Endorse Steele
Thanks to Larwyn.
I wonder if it's ever been determined how blacks vote when there's a black Republican candidate on the ballot. There's the famous belief that blacks overpoll with whites, presumably because whites want to seem nice and liberal to pollsters so they say they're voting for the black candidate, even if they're not.
Could it be that blacks do something similar? They know they're "supposed to" vote Democratic, and they're not supposed to vote just for someone because they're black, and so they overpoll as far as their support for, say, Cardin.
Heh: Heather Wilson's ad. Her opponent seems to have a stroke when asked about taxes.