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October 26, 2006
Talk Amongst Yourselves
Open thread.
Except for this, where some stupid professor "debunks" the Vampire "myth" with "math:"
After only two and a half years the entire human population, according to simple math, would have become vampires. There would be no more humans for vampires to feed on by the year 1603.
Of course, the dummy ignores natural vampire population controls, such as accidental sunlight exposure, holy water, and wooden stakes, and the fact that if you kill the Head Honcho vampire, his minions will also expire.
An exponential reproduction formula doesn't work for any other creature on Earth, but its supposed to work for vampires? Riiiight.
Don't quite your day job, Professor Bozo.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Some excellent scientific minds are occupying the comments today.
Any power play made by vampires would see them genocided off the planet by angry food, which is why they hide thier true identity. -Entropy
Persuasive, but another possible scenario captures the imagination:
What would happen (given a few millennia at most), is that humankind would end up living on blood farms, their numbers carefully managed like livestock. -Scott
I don't doubt it. Whose bright idea was it, putting growth hormones in kids' milk, anyway?
Oh, that's just a side effect from the dairy practices. Mmmm

posted by Laura. at
09:45 AM
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