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October 13, 2006
Truther Takes "The Heat" From O'Reilly
This is a pretty substance-free "interview." O'Reilly doesn't debunk any of their claims; actually, the truther never gets around to making any specific claims.
Because O'Reilly keeps stating, as an objective fact, that the guy is "nuts" and "crazy" and "a loon."
O'Reilly is at his best when he's simply ranting. When he tries to be "fair" and "objective" -- as he was the other day, when he told Laura Ingraham not to make any "personal attacks" after she noted that Ted Turner was dumb -- he comes across as a pompous douchebag.
On the other hand, when he is making personal attacks, giving voice to popular frustrations in simply insulting those who are beneath insult, he's a pompous hoot.
Well worth watching. Lots of fun.
Meanwhile, Kevin Barrett, late-life Islamist convert and university professor who teaches his students Bush blew up the World Trade Center, has of course required his students to purchase a book containing his 9/11 Truther essay. From which he receives royalties, of course. (As noted on O'Reilly the other day, the students aren't actually required to read the essay. But so what?)
As of yet, it is unclear how Bush "orchestrated" a British Muslim's courtroom admission of guilt in plotting to explode a radiological bomb in London, for the express, admitted purpose of killing as many innocent civilians as possible.
It's time to eject these lunatics from the universities. It's one thing to have opinions; it's another thing to continue peddling disproven facts. They continue to claim that jet fuel does not burn high enough to melt steel, thus "proving" a controlled demolition brought down the Towers. It is simply a scientific fact that steel does not need to actually melt into liquid form to lose a great deal of its strenght; its strength degrades as it heats, and jet fuel burns plenty hot enough to degrade it well below the strength needed to support a rather large building.
This is a proveably false assertion by the Truthers, and yet they continue offering it to students. It is simply a lie -- not only not peer-reviewed, not only peer-refuted, but peer-decimated as not even rising to the level of wrong. It's simply a lie. And yet university professors are allowed to retain their academic credentials peddling proven lies?
Bonus: Greg Tinti at the Political Pit Bull has posted the entire South Park Truther episode on his site, in case you'd like to see the whole thing. The dookey jokes and Hardly Boys' cluerections are funny enough, though not a scream.
Another Bonus: I hate to admit it, but Jon Stewart is actually funny here, and his impression of Bush's style of simplistic declarations is pretty accurate.