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October 11, 2006
Shock Claim: Sixty-Eight Bajillion Casualties In Iraq
Bush calls The Lancet's claim of 655,000 casualties "not credible."
And still, this idiotic claim gets a Drudge link.
I want a Drudge link, too.
During the unjust invastion/occupation of the sovereign kite-flying state of Iraq, seventy-three bajillion people have died.
I know the headline said "sixty-eight bajillion." But that was three minutes ago. Another five bajillion people have perished since I wrote that headline.
When will the carnage stop?
Let it be known that I've based my estimate of the dead in Iraq on the lastest information gleaned from official Iraq and US Government figures, data gleaned from jihadi websites, little tidbits passed to me in an IM cybersex session with Mr. Green Helmet, as well as my fondness for the number "one bajillion," which is a vague and fluid number that covers a lot of ground, the way a number should.
Don't want to get too pinned down on real numbers. Like the Lancet.
Here's what I found out from Mr. Green Helmet:
Ace_of_Cyber69: What are you wearing?
Green_Helmeted_Warrior_of_Love: Just shorts and a t-shirt. And of course my green helmet.
Ace_of_Cyber69: Sounds sexy. Did you spank it this week?
Green_Helmeted_Warrior_of_Love: No, I've been too busy planting Minnie Mouse dolls in bombed out buildings.
Ace_of_Cyber69: Sounds hot. Do I make you horny?
Green_Helmeted_Warrior_of_Love: LOL. A little.
Ace_of_Cyber69: Well why don't you slip out of your shorts and get comfortable?
Green_Helmeted_Warrior_of_Love: Okay... wait, my mom's calling me. By the way, sixty-eight bajillion people have been killed in Iraq.
Ace_of_Cyber69: Sounds hot. Would you like a pony for your birthday?
For context, here's the editor of the Lancet ranting and raving and barking at the moon in a "peace" demonstration with war criminal/profiteer George Galloway.
The Lancet also seems to finish its painstaking studies right before US elections.
Who will be brave enough to first question the timing?
Decision '08 uses the Lancet's methodology to guestimate the battle dead in previous conflicts.
Gettysburg: 4.78 million dead, 18.9 million wounded
I did not know that.