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October 05, 2006
Ken Layne, Journalist, Part II: Alex Jones, 9/11 "Truther," ID'd As Just A "Hell-Raiser"
Ken Layne, either writing this or allowing it in his capacity as Wonkettes temporary editor, is pleased as punch that William Kristol was shouted down at a speech by 9/11 Truthers.
As is evident from the bit, Layne is both a fan of the Truth Movement, but refuses to identify Alex Jones (one of whose reporters was at the event) as part of the Truth Movement.
Yes, a legendary blogger.
Fucking headcase.
Too Fast On The Draw? Allah sagely cautions me that we don't know that Ken Layne is still guest-editing at Wonkette. I don't see a good-bye post, and Ken Layne's website doesn't say the gig is over.
Still, as these posts are unsigned and there's no notice as to who's running the show, it's possible he left in the past few days.
Whether Ken Layne is involved or not, Nick Denton's blog empire now seems to be believers in the 9/11 Truth movement.