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Misleading Headline of the Morning (So Far) -- [Sobek] »
October 03, 2006
Cry Baby Cry...[Che Che "Jack to his friends" M.]
Make Che Che's daughter sigh. You're old enough to know better...
I don't think I've ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago. She just couldn't understand why Republican voters would be willing to surrender the 2006 election to the Democrats. "Even my precinct captain sounds like a Kos kid?" she asked pitifully.
I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why many conservatives had become so disenchanted with their own that they saw no difference between a Senate Majority Leader McConnell or a Senate Majority Leader Reid.
I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult - the rage and feelings of helplessness were just too much. I think my daughter could tell something was wrong. I found myself at such a loss for words - nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore. I finally had to admit, "Honey, I just don't know - I don't know what's going on with Republican voters anymore. Even Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment seems to have been cast adrift."
When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, "Daddy" she said, "why are they risking empowering Democrats in this country? Don't they realize there is an existential war on? Don't they know there may be a Supreme Court opening to fill?" Well, that was it for me: I finally fell apart. She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.
For once she had to comfort me and get me back on my feet. Sometimes I just think it's too much, but seeing the strength in my young daughter's voice as she reminded me of Margaret Thostaer's famous quote "If you want to cut your throat, don't come to me for a bandage" helped me to get through.
They wouldn't want you to go wobbly.