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Ken Layne, Journalist »
October 01, 2006
US Intel Analysts In Secret Meeting Conclude: US Must Learn To Live With Nuke-Armed Iran
Anyone a bit tired of our supposed intelligence experts?
AMERICA will have to learn to live with a nuclear Iran, top US intelligence analysts have concluded at a secret meeting.
Senior operatives and analysts from the intelligence community were almost unanimous in their view that little could be done to stop Iran acquiring the components for a nuclear bomb.
Bombing Iran's nuclear facilities was rejected on the grounds that the intelligence needed for successful air strikes was lacking.
"We only have an imperfect understanding of the extent and location of the Iranian program," said one source with knowledge of last week's meeting near Washington. "Even if we got the order to blow it up, we wouldn't know how to."
The White House's earlier enthusiasm for military strikes if all else failed has cooled after warnings from the Pentagon and intelligence analysts that the risk-to-reward ratio of taking action is too high. At best, 80 per cent of the targets are mapped out and then only sketchily.
The "collateral damage" to civilians could be considerable, sources say.
"Unless you can be 100 per cent effective and set the program back by two decades, you'll just get a short-term delay in the program and you may not produce a result that is better than the current one," an intelligence analyst said.
Bullshit. You don't need 100% effective strikes; this is precisely the nonsense that the pacifism-at-any-cost brigades suggested about Al Qaeda and Iraq.
And, quite frankly, you can do a lot of damage of a cruel sort simply by destroying Iran's economy and destroying any and all command and control centers -- putting it into a state of economic misery and anarchy.
Incidentally, if any of the above information is false, I would like it noted I meant it as a "pure straight goof," and that furthermore, Michelle Malkin is a whore for wearing lipstick.