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September 30, 2006
No Cab For You
My, this is perplexing.
Mursal and hundreds of other Muslim cabdrivers at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport refuse to take customers they know are carrying alcohol. They don't search bags, but a wine box may be enough to leave a fare waiting for the next cab.
But airport personnel have come up with a workaround.
Now, they may be required to buy different colored lights to sit atop their cabs so airport workers who hook up travelers with taxis can steer alcohol-carrying fares to cabs that will take them. The proposal needs approval from the airport's taxi cab advisory committee, and airport officials hope to have the lights ready by year's end.
Ironically making it easier for customers to identify and discriminate against cabs driven by Muslims. If you feel like being a
prick (and come now, who doesn't?) just say there's booze in your luggage, even if there isn't.**
"They're really kind of imparting their religious views on the public," said Katie Patterson of McKinley, Texas. "I can understand if somebody's drunk; that's a whole different issue. But to just bring in a closed container, maybe you should look for other work."
I wonder if the fallout would have been different if they were Christians refusing some other kind of object or substance.
**After further reflection I realized that there are no laws to prevent customers from discriminating on the basis of race or religion against vendors.
So you can just go ahead and say you want a non-Muslim cabbie.
Thank you, Law of Unintended Consequences. You're a peach.

posted by Laura. at
07:12 PM
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