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Eight O'Clock Shadow -- Michael �
September 26, 2006
Unreasonable Israelis Demand U.N. Forces Actually Do Their Jobs
Looks like this Israeli/Lebanese/UN sitdown didn't go so well:
The meeting went to pieces after the IDF demanded that UNIFIL adopt more combative rules of engagement. What particularly angered the IDF was an interview UNIFIL's commander Maj.-General Alain Pellegrini gave to The Jerusalem Post last week and in which he said the peacekeeping force would not actively engage Hizbullah guerrillas even if they were on their way or in the midst of an attack against Israel.
I can't possibly imagine why these obstinate Hebrews would have a problem with a peacekeeping force that openly refuses to do anything more exerting than sitting around and playing with its collective wang. I mean, the sheer gall of it.
Money quote from an Israeli official:
"We told UNIFIL that we plan to pull our troops out of Lebanon by Yom Kippur," a high-ranking officer said, referring to the Jewish festival this Sunday. "Although we haven't committed to a year."
Take your time, guys. It's not like they're going to do something useful with the place when you leave.

posted by AndrewR at
04:07 PM
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