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September 23, 2006
Keith Olbermann Vs. Cold Hard Reality
At virtually the same time ABCNews' Brian Ross was confirming, without question, that coercive techniques work, Keith Olbermann was claiming "torture" never works through his sock-puppet guest.
Olbermann Watch has sliced and spliced the two nearly-contemporaneous segments together to present Keith Olberman Vs. Cold Hard Reality.
Final score: Cold Hard Reality 51, Keith Olbermann 0. By quarter:
CHR: 17 10 14 10
KO: 0 0 0 0
And note, Cold Hard Reality was playing with its second string throughout the entirety of the fourth quarter. BOO-YAH!!! Cold Hard Reality's running back, Verified Facts, was en feugo!!!
Goddamnit, I took Keith Olberman and the +11.5 points. Why the hell am I always such a sucker for a big point spread?