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September 23, 2006
DU: Declare Victory And Bring The Troops Back Home
As you predicted. Didn't take too long.
If Osama is dead we should declare VICTORY!
The war on terror is over. Bring the troops home. Mission accomplished. Parades in the streets.
Democrats should be jumping all over this as a way to end this "war" against a tactic.
Question: If it's not really a "war," as the sneer-quotes indicate, why are they so opposed to it? Why do they call themselves anti-war? Shouldn't it be, at best, anti-"war"?
Perhaps they're really just annoyed we're not fighting hard enough for this to be a real war. So maybe we should really give Al Qaeda and the Iraqi Sunni terrorists what's what. Will that make them happy?
Of course, it wouldn't be DU without conspiracy theories:
7. That Bin Laden "dies from typhoid" seems like such a "wag the dog" cover story. I don't think the French created that story - they simply "intercepted" it (which the CIA probably made sure of).
Dying from a disease is a non-violent death - it's easy to fake. No bombs go off near your asset (OBL). No accidents happen - no cover actions for the cover story need take place which could endanger your asset. All you have to do is say he died of disease X (in this case, typhoid, a disease common in pakistan).
So they simply whisk him off to some safe house for a few months - give him a make over (including cosmetic surgery) and the "Osama bin Laden" we all knew of is officially dead. The man formerlly known as Osama gets a new identity, a huge bank account, and lives happily ever after.
It's amazing. They believe the CIA is conniving to help keep bin Ladin alive, under a new identity.
That doesn't make sense even given their own lunatic premises.
Same deal here:
And so the perfect cover story begins...
Intel on death of bin Laden isn't confirmed
Bush's failure to kill Osama will no longer be a political liability (Karl Rove's October Surprise?)
Osama will not be a martyr for the muslim world.
Osama gets to retire with a sweet severence package somewhere in South America, courtesy of the CIA.
It's the perfect cover story - begins with a "leaked" intelligence document - hmmm... how could that have happened?
Ummm... refresh my memory: Why would the CIA want bin Ladin alive, again?
I think the only possibility, really, is to hide the fact that the CIA actually engineered 9/11. But even in that case-- why not just kill him?
Once again: Morons are intellectually insecure and require the invention of "secret knowledge" only they know in order to convince themselves they're among the congnoscenti.
Although I do like this conspiracy theory. Jack M suggested a connection between this rumor and Clinton's anger. I don't know if I buy that. Maybe because the DU'ers do.