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September 22, 2006
Sen. Tom Harkin (D), Fan of Hugo Chavez
The MSM blasted Pelosi's and Rangel's coordinated and calculated anti-Chavez message so as the public wouldn't get the, ahem, wrong idea that Democrats support a vicious communist tyrant, but they weren't so keen on repeating Harkin's off-message statement.
Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, a democrat, today defended Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's United Nations speech in which Chavez called President George Bush the devil. Harkin said the comments were "incendiary", then went on to say, "Let me put it this way, I can understand the frustration, ah, and the anger of certain people around the world because of George Bush's policies." Harkin continued what has been frequent criticism of the president's foreign policy.
Harkin says, "We tend to forget that a few days after 9-1-1 thousands, thousands of Iranians marched in a candlelight procession in Teheran in support of the United States. Every Muslim country was basically on our side. Just think, in five years, President Bush has squandered all that." Harkin says the U.S. has put billions of dollars into the Iraq war, when it could be helping poor countries with things like clean water, medical aid and education.
Just another example of bias. When the Democrats want to get their message out, the MSM is eager to assist them. And they're willing to protect the Democrats' consensus message of the day by embargoing any off-notes.
On the other hand, the MSM loves exposing unpopular GOP utterances, and undermining the GOP's own attempts at a unified message.
And what about all that "good will" pouring out of the Islamic world after 9/11?
You probably haven't forgotten most sickening image after the 9/11 mass-murder-- the old Palestinian crone handing out cake in celebration of the deaths of 3000. Neither has Patterico.