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Sen. Tom Harkin (D), Fan of Hugo Chavez »
September 22, 2006
Thomas Edsall: MSM Is 25-15 To 1 Democrat To Republican
A surprisingly candid assessment of the MSM from an actual MSM reporter. Senior political correspondant for the WaPo in DC, so he's not exactly a nobody.
TE: And I agree that whatever you want to call it, mainstream media, presents itself as unbiased, when in fact, there are built into it, many biases, and they are overwhelmingly to the left.
Hugh likes to grill reporters on this. Few cough up the truth. Here's a question I wish he'd ask: the MSM has had panels and roundtables galore exploring possible media bias against blacks, women, Muslims, etc. And yet it seems that, if anything, the MSM is biased in favor of these groups' greivances, agendas, and claims.
When are they going to do a prominent roundtable on the most obvious bias of all?