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September 18, 2006
Science: Men Smarter Than Women
MEN are more intelligent than women, new research claims.
Two leading scientists - both men - say male IQs are 3.63 points higher than females.
Psychologist John Philippe Rushton said this explains the "glass ceiling" phenomenon why men get promoted over women.
He said the study proves more men reach the top of their careers because they are smarter - and not because of sex discrimination.
Prof Rushton's team analysed 100,000 aptitude tests taken by 17 and 18-year-olds of both sexes.
And he said men were more intelligent "throughout the entire distribution of scores, in every level of family income, for every level of fathers and mothers' education, and for each and every one of seven ethnic groups".
It's not confirmation that women's brains are one-third the size of ours, as Ron Burgundy holds, but it's a start.
Thanks to HotAir.
Related: Man Rejects Penis Transplant. Or, apparently, Man's Wife Rejects Penis Transplant.
Chinese surgeons have performed the world's first penis transplant on a man whose organ was damaged beyond repair in an accident this year. The incident left the man with a 1cm-long stump with which he was unable to urinate or have sexual intercourse. "His quality of life was affected severely," said Dr Weilie Hu, a surgeon at Guangzhou General Hospital.
Doctors spent 15 hours attaching a 10cm penis to the 44-year-old patient after the parents of a brain-dead man half his age agreed to donate their son's organ.
The procedure, described in a case study due to appear in the journal European Urology next month, represents a big leap forward in transplant surgery; it required complex microsurgery to connect nerves and tiny blood vessels.
The surgical team claims the operation was a success. After 10 days, tests revealed the organ had a rich blood supply and the man was able to urinate normally.
Doctors have previously succeeded in reuniting men with their sexual organs after traumatic accidents or attacks, but the Guangzhou operation is the first in which a donor penis has successfully been attached to another man.
Although the operation was a surgical success, surgeons said they had to remove the penis two weeks later. "Because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife, the transplanted penis regretfully had to be cut off," Dr Hu said. An examination of the organ showed no signs of it being rejected by the body.
So... his wife emasculated him?
I know: It's news from China. The penis probably began to rot or something and it's being claimed it was rejected for "psychological" reasons, to keep China's claim of a medical first intact.
You know that America is going to be the country that really perfects this.