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September 14, 2006
We Still Have John Kerry to Kick Around [Jack M.]
And I, for one, appreciate the opportunity.
I found this article on the Human Events website today. It was written by Houston Attorney, and former Supreme Court clerk, John O'Neill in response to comments Senator Ketchup has made recently.
This is what the once and future loser from Massachusetts said:
"Asked if he dreads the prospect of being “Swift-Boated” all over again, Kerry counters that he would relish such a fight.
“I’m prepared to kick their ass from one end of America to the other,” he declares. “I am so confident of my abilities to address that and to demolish it and to even turn it into a positive.”
No word on whether he threatened to kick their asses like a modern day incarnation of "Jenjhis Caan". That's probably implied.
And I wonder if this unilateral use of force has passed the "global test" of which Mr. Kerry is so fond? I kinda doubt it. But maybe that's just my own laughter at the thought of this man:
kicking anybody's ass that makes it hard for me to hear Mr. Kerry's answer.
In any event, Mr. O'Neill fired back today with a reply that is brilliant. Here is Mr. O'Neill:
"Kerry and his friends certainly seem to show much greater anger and hatred toward us than toward the murderous al Qaeda terrorists. This is actually a positive thing. Based on his record of switching to adopt the North Vietnamese position in 1971 and (after voting to send our kids to Iraq) proposing to cut and run in Iraq, it is likely that Kerry will be endorsing our positions by 2008 and (in his words) “Swift Boating” himself. If not, it is OK. After living for 34 years with his claim that our comrades, living and dead, were like the army of Genghis Khan, we will always remember and be grateful for the support of the American people in 2004. Nothing he will ever say can demolish that or will speak nearly so loudly."
I have to believe that's gonna leave a mark, in part because the truth hurts.
Luckily, though, America was spared the indignity of a John F. Kerry Presidency. And, I'm certain, that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth deserve a lot credit for their efforts in ensuring this man's defeat.
Some people get turned into internet verbs. Some people get turned into political verbs. And that essentially sums up their legacy.
Mr. Kerry, you "swift-boated" yourself. That's what you will always be remembered for, and no Magic Hat is ever going to save you from this fate.
It might come in handy, though, when you are campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire. After all, when no one shows up to vote for you in the 2008 primaries, those campaign offices can get pretty cold.