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September 14, 2006
Jessica Biel's Amazing Prehensile Tongue
Imagine the stamps she could gang-lick with that thing. Why, sending out cable and phone payments would be a snap!
Gosh. She could type with that thing.
If I had her naked in my bed... I'd masturbate to that picture soooo hard.
(One of Adam Carolla's two funny jokes. His other one? He lists people who ought to be punched in the face, including guys who use the expression, "How so?")
Thanks to Erik.
Not That You're Interested... But here you can find a couple of pics of Lindsey Lohan's snootch, and what may be the side of Kate Bosworth's nipple.
Jessica Biel's anteater tongue, Kate Bosworth's tastefully exposed nipple, Lindsey Lohan's pooter ready to take over for Yul Brenner in The King and I... The movie just writes itself.
In my pants.