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September 11, 2006
Today, She Blogs With Fury [Jack M.]
And a righteous one, at that.
Mary Katharine Ham takes no prisoners with today's post about the whack-job "Truthers" and their disgusting sycophants in the ivory towered halls of "academia" and the kudzu-covered walls of "modern liberalism".
Who are these "truthers" you ask? MKH has the answer:
It’s important for those of us who know what took the lives of 3,000 Americans five years ago today—four commercial planes with full loads of jet fuel and passengers driven by 19 murderous maniacs—to understand that there is a disturbingly large and vocal segment of the American population that doesn’t believe that.
A recent Scripps poll found that more than a third of Americans believe 9/11 was an “inside job.”
Truthers are professors and Democrat candidates for Congress.
The Truthers believe the American government planned and carried out the carnage of Sept. 11 on its own people, and they’re determined to tell the rest of us all about it. Today, the “Loose Change” kids planned to be at Ground Zero handing out free DVDs. On their website, they offer a free DVD to anyone who lost someone in the 9/11 attacks, and proclaim it everyone’s “duty” to watch the film.
I’m sure the relatives of the victims Avery mocks with his “theories” appreciate that.
MKH noted in the above passage that as part of their carnival of crazy, the "Truthers" plan to give out free DVD's at Ground Zero today.
Her advice?
Be prepared with the actual truth when you meet up with one of these guys.
Which is all well and good, and illustrates why she is a much better person than I.
Because, as someone who once counted Barbara Olson as a friend, I think I would be hard pressed to subject these ghouls to nothing more than the truth, were they to approach me and start waving their Anti-American crap in my face.
Unless, of course, the "truth" in question related to the amount of teeth that could be lost due to a series of well aimed punches to the face.
Not that I'm advocating violence. Heaven's no. I simply think it's time that a well organized gang of Neocons engaged in a spectacularly complex conspiracy to remove Dylan Avery's teeth from his head. Or, failing that, to return his head to its rightful place between his buttocks.