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September 02, 2006
British Beauty Queens Are Dumb Too

Meet Hammasa Kohistani, the first Muslim woman to be named Miss England. Not bad, I have to admit. There is, however, a downside. Like all girls who win these sorts of things, she's not content to stick with ribbon cutting and having a great chest: She also wants us to admire her frighteningly powerful intellect.
Here she is on the July 7 bombings last year:
"I think in a sense it brought communities together," she said. But at the same time "there is this hostility", which comes "mainly from the Government"...Tony Blair addressed Muslims in particular, telling them that they need to sort out the problem within. That was a huge stereotype of the Islamic community."
I have, like, such total respect for you and your mind, Hammasa. Your mind and I should get together sometime and do something intellectual and non-threatening. No pressure; I just want to cuddle for a while, and maybe talk about how stereotypes are so unfair and how they hurt peoples' feelings in a really mean way. We could read the newspaper and get all broken up about stories like this and worry about what this crazy world is coming to. Then we could fall into each others' arms and just cry, cry, cry, savoring the cathartic emotional release that is the result of two souls coming together and forging a bond based on equal partnership and mutual respect.
And then I'd probably try to take you from behind like a rutting Cape Buffalo, because there's only so much of that sort of crap that I can take.

posted by AndrewR at
03:01 PM
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