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September 02, 2006
Terrorists in South America [AnalogKid]
Gateway Pundit has a good piece on Hezbollah operating in South America (h/t LGF).
This is not an isolated incident, nor is it a new event. This stuff has been talked about since 2001, in my memory. This is my post on the subject.
For those of you still recovering from the Optimus Prime sighting:
I am left with two unassailable conclusions. #1 - The terrorist problem extends to South America, either as a financial organization or as a militant one. Either is threatening to the Western Hemisphere as the foundation for Western Civilization. #2 - Elements of the administration and the US government are dismissive of what I contend are troubling concurrent events, the crossing of terrorists’ paths, and a fertile political and geographical environment that is allowing this terrorism to take hold. If South America is not the front lines in the terror war, it is instead the rear area that our enemies seek to infiltrate and from which they seek to undermine our war efforts. This should be dealt with. In the words of Ledeen - Faster please.