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August 10, 2006
Atrios: No Open Threads Today, Just Solid Blogging On The Day's News
The Godfather of Open Threads, the Hardest Workin' Man in the Blogosphere, is not simply putting up open threads today.
There's big doings afoot, and he's on top of it.
He covers all the big stories -- a column by Ann Coulter he doesn't like, Jon Stewart making fun of Joe Lieberman, other Lamont/Lieberman crap, spats with TNR's Marty Peretz and Slate's Jacob Weisberg, the need to immediately withdraw from Iraq (without even linking it to the Terror Bust -- seems like a deliberately missed opportunity to me), etc.
Nary a single reference to the terrorist plot.
Ah, well. It's not like it's big news or anything. Must keep focused on the Big Issues, and the Big Issues are, of course, Lamont and Lieberman.
You know-- they accuse Bush of staging this terror bust just to distract them from the important Lamont-Lieberman contest.
And yet-- they are not at all distracted, are they?
Radio-silent. Message-focused. Reality-denying. Townhouse-conspiring.
Smart, tough.
PS: Many Lamont-supporting lefties are wailing at the suggestion that this helps Lieberman. Why, Netroots Neddy has a smarter plan to take on terrorism than Joe Lieberman! So why should this be spun as a reason to vote for Lieberman?
Well... if you believe that... why are all you basket-case Lamont lovers embargoing the story?
Surely if Lamont could do a more effective job preventing terrorism as a Senator, you'd want to highlight this story rather than completely ignoring it?
Wouldn't you?
Now, actually, I don't personally believe that this has much impact on the Lieberman-Lamont race at all. See-Dub suggested that to me last night, and I sort of shrugged, and said, "Well, it depends on how strongly he's committed himself to the civil-rights-at-all-costs position." The Iraq thing doesn't have a lot to do with this directly.
But... while I might not believe this "helps" Lieberman, it sure seems the unhinged Lamont-loving left believes just that.
Or else they wouldn't be so careful to absolutely embargo a major story.