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August 10, 2006
Broad Strata of British Asian Terrorists Caught Out By "Unprecedented Level of Surveillance"
Hm! Surveillance! Watching, monitoring, intercepting phone calls and emails, shadowing, bugging?
This crap actually works?
I'm so conflicted. On one hand, I would like to not be murdered when I attempt to fly or use public transportation.
But on the other hand, I am extremely concerned, well-nigh chagrined, at the thought of infringing upon precious civil liberties and privacy rights of people plotting to kill us 24 hours a day.
I am very worried that Britain has chosen the wrong "balance" here. If six to nine airplanes had to be blown up, with 1200 to 3000 casualties, in order to insure that these Youths of Undetermined Ethnic Extraction were not subjected to the scary-intrusive monitoring of the state -- well, I'm afraid I have to say, along with Dick Durbin and Ned Lamont and Harry Reid, that's more important that these YOUEE's retain all their privacy rights than up to 3000 innocent civilians retain their lives.
Because that's what the Constitution -- both the American one, and the kinda-fake British unwritten one -- demand.
Come on, Baby: Don't fear the reaper. We can be like Romeo and Juliette.
Or like Ned Beatty and the Backwoods Buggerer in Deliverance. Either/or. It's all good, baby.
Lamont has been an outspoken critic of Lieberman for his support of the war in Iraq and his voting record on issues such as judicial appointments and intelligence-gathering techniques.
He has said he hopes to gain the support of disillusioned Democrats who oppose the war, as well as the nomination and confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and the controversisal renewal of the Patriot Act.
Via Ned Lamont's own website... for the moment.
Someone screencap that badboy.
Thanks to See-Dub, who thinks he's right just because he has "facts" to back his absurd claims up.
Detonator Was To Be MP3 Player: Cannibalized or used to smuggle in a timer, I suppose.
Did I mention I hate iPods? If you're walking around with an iPod, you're on the side of the terrorists.
H/t to Protein Wisdom, who appallingly attempts to link this to Lamont's electoral fortunes, and who then digustingly argues against the notion that this was Britain's comeuppance for supporting George Bush.
Gob. Smackingly. Vile.