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August 04, 2006
The Creepy Message Discipline of the Sinestrosphere
Dean Barnett, guest posting at Hugh Hewitt's, with a good piece.
We already knew about the Townhouse-diktat about starving the Kosola story of oxygen. And now the left is monolithically silent on Jane Hamsher's blackface act. (With a few exceptions, who are to be praised.)
And something I didn't notice-- the left is also pretty silent on the whole Israel-Hezbollah war. Because, Barnett suggests, they know their true opinions on this matter are unacceptable to most Americans (and Democrat-voting Jews), and hence are just ignoring the issue almost entirely. Except to offer idiotic platitudes, as Barnett digests them, such as "War is bad."
H/t to John, who has more on this. He also has a good piece about the media's tacit cooperation in terrorist propagandizing.