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August 04, 2006
I Hate Linking The HuffPo, But...
Greg Gutfeld posts there. I actually wanted to link him, but then just decided to link his own blog, because I'd rather not send blog money to Arianna's botox doctor.
Did I say botox doctor? I meant "blog." I apologize; the words are so similar sometimes I typo one for the other. Happens all the time to me on this botox doctor.
Whoopsie. Did it again.
At any rate, I like this question so much I'll link it. After making fun of a HuffPo liberal for claiming that Republicans only work off of "talking points" -- and then offering his own talking points for liberals to work off of -- Gutfeld asks as series of questions of liberals. A lot of them are good, but this one is especially nice:
If 'dissent is patriotic' then why are you guys being so brutal to Joe Lieberman for dissenting from you on Iraq?
I think Thomas Jefferson has the answer:
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism, except when you're dissenting with the transnational "progressive" left, in which case dissent is the highest form of Neocon Douchebaggery yet known to Mankind.
And if you like that, you can then check out his most recent blog entries, where he apparently strives valiantly to get banned by Arianna by putting up silly doodles of her with funny captions.
I'm not sure why he hasn't been successful in getting banned yet. Maybe Arianna thinks he is a very rich bisexual who might be interested in marrying her and then running for California Senator.
More Blogwars: Allah sums up the Hewitt/Barnett/Lileks/Everyone v. Andrew Sullivan spat.
I think I'm just sitting this one out. I can't believe I'm going to write what I'm about to write, but I guess I've hit my limit: Who cares what Andrew Sullivan thinks?
He's a joke, he's a disgrace, he's dishonest, he's hopelessly narcissistic, he's emotionally promiscuous and hyperbolic, he's a lefty, he's the only writer I'm aware of who manages to turn every post on every issue into a discusion about his favorite topic, Andrew Sullivan. Enough with him.
Phuque Andrew Sullivan. Phuquing eph Andrew Sullivan right up his ephing a$$.