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July 24, 2006
Update on Drobny's Theory That The Right Is To Blame For Left's Antisemitism
Stace actually tried to tip me to this article a time ago, but I thought she was directing me to the antisemitic comments. I didn't know the article was stupid; I figured it was just a defense of Israel.
But it is so much funnier now.
Drobny's post's conclusion:
So my conclusion is that the bloggers who violently hate Israel and see it in black and white terms are not really liberals. They may even be anti-Semites, but they are not representative of the liberal community that was so active in achieving racial and ethnic equality. It is a contradiction for a true liberal to be an anti-Semite. Furthermore, I would not put it past the right wing to flood the liberal blogs with hateful criticisms of Israel to advance a perception that liberals are anti-Israel or anti-Semitic. And I see Karl Rove's fingerprints all over this.
The very first -- the first! -- comment to Drobny's hypothesis:
I consider myself of center-left and I have Jewish blood in my veins. I was raised a Christian.
I have these questions for American Jews.
1. Why is there no real debate in the United States about the Israel-Arab conflict? I am not an idiot. I have travelled all over the world, including Israel and many countries in the Muslim world. There is more honest debate in Israel about the conflict than there is in the US. And why is it that when any American challenges the parameters of the I/A conflict debate in the US, they are automatically branded as an anti-Semite. Why are Americans who don't tow the Likud/AIPAC line in our political discourse labelled anti-Semites?
2. Why are Americans who call for the end of the illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza labelled anti-Semites?
3. Why is any criticism concerning Israel considered an affront to American Jews? How is criticism of Israel an attack against American Jews?
4. Israelis and American Jews are not the same. I've been to Israel. Israelis are not culturally the same as Americans Jews or British Jews or French Jews or Australians Jews or Argentinian Jews. Why do American Jews tie their existence to what happens to Israel? And if American Jews are so passionate about Israels's right to occupy Arab land, then why don't they make aliyah and defend Israel with their blood? Why should the US be a proxy defender of Israel's existence? Why should Israel's national interests supercede America's national interests?
5. Israel is an advanced industrialized state. Why should the US taxpayer pay for the defense of Israel when American Jews won't even defend Israel's occupation with their own blood?
6. Israelis neither cares about nor identifies with the interests of the United States. I would like to know how America supporting and subsidizing Israel and its illegal occupation furthers the interests of the United States. Why should the US sacrifice its national survival for the interests of Israel? Why should Americans die for Israel? What has Israel ever done for us? What has Israel ever done for the US that deserves such unqualified loyalty by Americans?
5. If Americans are rabidly anti-Semitic as some posters claim, then why don't these Jewish accusers make aliyah and go to Israel where they will feel safe from ugly American and be safe in the arms of their fellow Jews in Israel where you can actually take part in the Occupation and defend the occupied territories with their own blood?
Guy seems, uhhh... very preoccupied with "Jewish blood." Count the references.
Of course, it's actually a Karl Rove Sock Puppet.
KARL ROVE is using the JEWS who are moving in on you using the BLACK MAN as MUSCLE and you are left DEFENSELESS.