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Counterintelligence Against the AQIS »
July 03, 2006
The AQIS Fights Back, Publishing Photos of Rumsfeld's Home
Hmmm... if there's absolutely no security concerns regarding doing this, I take it Sulzberger, Keller, Lichtblau, and Risen wouldn't mind blogs publishing photos of their homes and addresses? Along with helpful details about the locations of security cameras, right?
It's not as if it's conceivable that a deranged and dangerous person could actually use this information to inflict harm upon the residents therein, right?
The AQIS is playing a dangerous game. If they're setting the rules, it would seem that they have to abide by them as well.
Thanks to max.
Related: The Al Qaeda Intelligence Service Is As Slapdash As The CIA: The NYT reports that Oliver North worked against the contras.
PS, that's not a link to the NYT, but to a comment at LGF. I'm avoiding linking the NYT unless absolutely necessary.
Thanks to DH.
More... The AQIS' top ten hits against the US government.