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July 03, 2006
Counterintelligence Against the AQIS
So, everyone knew about our SWIFT transactions monitoring?
I guess these five or six terrorists, then, wanted to be caught.
66% of Americans support prosecuting the media for revealing classified information. The predicate is laid.
Video: The Worm Squirms. Bill Keller says he'd publish the bank surveillance secrets all over again, and continues to defend the indefensible. And of course he continues to insist that, while no Americans knew of the program, and the AQIS deemed it a major page-one scoop, it nevertheless was something all the terrorists knew about.
And the dishonsty continues, with the left claiming that because the Bush Administration talked, GENERALLY, about its attempts to crack down on terrorist financing, of course this opened the door to full exposure of the precise means by which we were tracking money.
Here's a print article about the interview, if you don't want to watch this traitor speak.
Video: Hugh Hewitt rips Eric Lichtblau on Howie Kurtz' show.
Video: Always fun to watch Brit Hume dope-slap the drooling moron Juan Williams.
Still More Video: Dana Priest, confronted with tough questions about the AQIS' revelations, chooses to respond by making irrelevant personal attack about Bill Bennett's gambling addiction.
Powerline parody: AQIS reveals sensitive information back in 1776.
Allah notes that TIME magazine had nothing to do with the recent treason, and yet its managing editor wants in on the "free-speech martyrdom." And here he is, dusting off an old copy of Stuff Jefferson Said, finding that aiding the enemy is the highest form of patriotism.
Oh -- and his job, he says, is "speaking truth to power." But don't let that 68er rallying cry make you suspect he's a leftist.
66%, cocksuckers. 66%. And 84% of Republicans whom, let's face it, are the ones Bush has to please/appease.
You little treasonous cocksuckers just may get the martyrdom you so crave. Get ready to start writing your traitor's version of Reflections from a Birmingham Jail.
Scenes From the New Resistance: Liveblogging the protest at the AQIS' DC office.
Stop protesting, guys, and start following them around. Get pictures of whom they meet with.