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June 02, 2006
BBC sinks to all time low!
Josef Goebbels would be so proud of the Beeb!
Apparently, there aren't enough Anti-Semitic, Anti-American degenerates already working for the station. Now they are subcontracting to Al Qaeda! That's right folks, they are cutting out the middleman (Al Jazeera) and going straight to the source!
The big story is that US forces went on another rampage in a town called Ishaqi back in March. The BBC says that women and children were shot deliberately. How does the BBC know this? They have a report with pictures. Where did the pictures come from?
The pictures came from a hardline Sunni group opposed to coalition forces.
Or as people who still speak English like to say - Al Qaeda!
Alas, I can no longer be too surprised by these degenerate subhumans. Just look at their lexicon:
Muslims who blow up women and children in Tel Aviv? Militants.
Muslims who blow up women and children in Baghdad? Insurgents.
Muslims who blow up women and children in Beslan? Armed Gang.
Muslims who blow up women and children in London (where the BBC and it's employees are located)? Terrorists!
I guess in a way it makes sense that they get their reports on massacres from Al Qaeda. After all its their raison d’être.

posted by Tanker at
02:27 PM
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