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May 25, 2006
Gore: "Over-Representation of the Facts" Necessary To Scare People About Global Warming
Right Wing News heds this as saying Gore says it's okay to lie to alarm people about global warming.
He didn't quite say that. But I'd like to know, precisely, what an "over-representation of the facts" consists of. It does sound like a euphemism for "absurd hyperbole."
Update: Questions for Al Gore from a climate scientist.
Why did you make it look like hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, floods, droughts, and ice calving off of glaciers and falling into the ocean, are only recent phenomena associated with global warming? You surely know that hurricane experts have been warning congress for many years that the natural cycle in hurricanes would return some day, and that our built-up coastlines were ripe for a disaster (like Katrina, which you highlighted in the movie). And as long as snow continues to fall on glaciers, they will continue to flow downhill toward the sea. Yet you made it look like these things wouldn't happen if it weren't for global warming. Also, since there are virtually no measures of severe weather showing a recent increase, I assume those graphs you showed actually represented damage increases, which are well known to be simply due to greater population and wealth. Is that right?
Well, sometimes you need an "over-representation of the facts," you see.