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May 05, 2006
Journalist Fired For Making Fake MySpace Page For Political Enemy
Seems a reporter didn't like the fact that a local politician didn't share her exuberance for all things Gay Pride.
So this fair-and-balanced, unbiased, straight-down-the-middle, double-shot-of-truth-no-chaser Priest of Information created a fake MySpace page for the politician, mocking her.
And was fired then resigned when her partisan activities were outed.
The media will fire you, of course, for violating their number-one rule: Don't give away the fact that they're archliberals and outright leftists. You can lard up your reports with that sort of bias, but if you take a step that actually proves bias beyond all doubt, they have to fire you and pretend they're "outraged."
Correction: I wrote the reporterette was fired. She wasn't. She resigned; I imagine she was about to be fired, or was given the option of resigning or being fired.
Thanks to Bart for the correction.
Bonus Friday Double-Secret Correction! The reporter was a woman, so I guess standard Enlgish requires me to refer to her as "she," not "he."
I guess.
If you're a big stickler for "accuracy."
Thanks to Shawn, but not lowercased shawn.