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And Again: Noted Scholar Tim Robbins Complains Media Isn't Calling For Bush Impeachment »
May 02, 2006
The Stupidest, Batshit-Craziest Troll, Ever
He's like Mike plus Larry the Urbanite raised to the power of a drooling Pinch Sulzberger multiplied by Jame Gumb.
It's like a train wreck. I didn't believe in space aliens before this, but "M.A." has convinced me. It is clear that this is his first week on planet Earth, and he's still getting the hang of "Earthspeak."
In the Colbert thread, of course. He's arguing that yeah, the media is super-duper right-wing, and that Phil Donahue's show was the HIGHEST RATED PROGRAM IN MSNBC HISTORY, but had to be taken off the air because of fear of offending the Bush Administration.
They've simply gone insane. They really have.
Yeaph-- Phil Donahue, RATINGS JUGGERNAUT!!!
Thanks to Jack Straw.