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May 02, 2006
Colbert Wasn't Funny, But This Is Downright Hi-Larious
Eric Boehlert is an annoying, far-left talentless hack working for the amateur on-line webzine Salon.
Or so I thought. It turns out he's a commedian of inspired sarcasm, both subtle yet deadly.
His "book of political commentary" is called Lapdogs: How The Press Rolled Over For Bush. I'm giggling already.
In blistering prose, Eric Boehlert reveals how, time after time, the press chose a soft approach to covering the [Bush] government, and as a result reported and analyzed crucial events incompletely and even inaccurately. From WMDs to Valerie Plame to the NSA's domestic spying, mainstream fixtures such as The New York Times, CBS, CNN, and Time magazine too often ignored the administration's missteps and misleading words, and did not call out the public officials who betrayed the country's trust.
Titter. It gets better.
Throughout both presidential campaigns and the entire Iraq war to date, the media acted as a virtual mouthpiece for the White House....
Oh, man, he really has to stop. I'm about to chuckle up a kidney.
Finally, in Lapdogs, the press is being held accountable by one of its own.
Nice one. Eric Boehlert is about as much of "one of [the media's] own" as I am. I like the self-deprecating irony.
Boehlert homes in on the reasons the press did not do its job: a personal affinity for Bush that journalists rarely displayed toward his predecessor, Bill Clinton...
A personal affinity for Bush that they rarely displayed for Clinton.
Now, yeah, sometimes a joke goes a little too far, I grant you, but then, sometimes a joke is so damn good you can't go too far.
And what do you call the mainstream media's coverage of Bush?
"The Aristocrats!"
Great stuff.
I've got to get this book. I need a good laugh, as Iran's going to blow us all to f**k within the next three or five years.
Update/Correction (?): Instapundit seems to think this book is serious.
Surely that can't be right. This is a spoof, right?
I don't like calling shenanigans on Instapundit, but surely he's been had, right?
I mean-- it's just not possible someone really believes this, is it?