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April 20, 2006
Daily Kos: 9/11 Is, Like, Soooo 2001
He thinks, as Dave might say, "it's old."
And his readers agree that they, too, are "over" 9/11.
Although I kind of think they were "over" it before they started pulling bodies out of the wreckage.
They just can't get up any amount of emotion for a ruthless, murderous enemy who is not a white Christian American Republican male.
So maybe we should just pretend the conspiracy theories are true-- white Christian American Republican males really did plan and cause 9/11.
It's just that, see, this cabal of Rove Disciples are all hiding out in Iran. We just have to go over there and bomb those Krazy Konservative Kristian killers out of their secret bunkers.
Thanks to Allah.