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April 20, 2006
Sorry, More Hiltzik-- It's Just TOO F'N' GOOD
Bear in mind, this guy created fake ID's to all chime in together to agree with himself.
Does this man not understand irony?
No doubt [Patterico's] claque of commenters will be expressing unanimous praise for Patterico's detective work in the days to come, and he'll be basking in the kudos.
Ummmm... dude, your commenters were pretty unanimous, weren't they? In fact, they were kind of unitary.
Definition of unanimous: "of one mind." Sort of like three "different" commenters, all of whom having the same basic opinion (and high regard for the writings of Michael Hiltzik).
Does this guy not have anything going on above the neck besides an all-consuming ego?
I hope his remaining readers are happy together.
And we hope you and your fake ID's are all happy together, too.
Thanks to Allah again. Allah takes special delight in Hiltzik, apparently gifted with genetically-enhanced powers of self-delusion, imagines this episode will cause Patterico to start losing readers.
On the other hand, now that Hiltzak's multiple ID's have been exposed -- perhaps half or even more of Patterico's traffic has always come from Hiltzik himself, which traffic he will now withhold in a fit of pique.
Oh, dear Lord. We all have our little problems, and I guess other people's problems always, inevitably, seem weird to us.
But this idiot feeling the need to create fake people to chime in and stick up for him?
What kind of hyperegotistical, ultrasensitive megadouche is this? What are we, fifth graders here?
Allah sends this Cathy Seipp piece, noting Hiltzik's email problem in passing. Yeahp, it's true-- he lost the LAT's Moscow Bureau because he was reading a coworker's (or more than one coworker's) emails surreptitiously.
Seipp notes that Hitlzik's response to Patterico's criticism (quoted below) is precisely the sort of response we've come to respect from our Have-You-No-Decency-Sir media. She notes it's the typical angry outburst from complacent leftists-- they had no idea they were being challenged at all, and now that they discover it, they're pretty miffed about it. They lash out like children.
Fifth graders love put-downs that start, "ALL of my friends think you're..." Well, Hiltzik had the fifth-grade mentality but not, apparently, the actual friends. So he made a couple of them up.
Since Patterico's obviously going to be taking a HUGE drop in traffic for daring to take on Hiltzik (and his thirty seven multiple on-line personalities), do try to show your support and click on his site before it actually dies from lack of reader interest.
By the way... I guess it's time to tell you morons-- you're all made-up, fictitious "readers" and "commenters" that I invented because I was tired of having lower traffic than Oliver Willis.
I feel kind of silly about it, and embarrassed, except that there's no one reading this but me, and my three thousand fake internet personas.
Did you morons really think there were so many other super-geeky pro-war sex-starved conservative perverts out there, the sort of people who need clarification as to which version of the acronym "RPG" you mean?
Sorry to break it to you. You're all fake.
The only "commenter" I don't mind pulling the plug on is Dave at Garfield Ridge. The "it's old" schtick itself got so old that even I, its inventor, grew weary of it.
I'm not sure I'll bother posting anymore. Now that the illusion's broken, there just doesn't seem to be much of a point to it anymore.