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April 07, 2006
The Ultimate Link-Whore Stunt
A guy told it would be easy to set up a website that got 200,000 hits. She called him an idiot. (She was right; it's not easy.)
But they made a bet. If he can't get 200,000 hits (no end-date specified), he agrees that he is an idiot.
If he does get 200,000 hits, his girlfriend has agreed, in writing, to have a menage a trois with him. (And another chick, of course. The good kind of menage a trois, not the dirty, kinda-gay kind.)
So, it's a lady or the tiger thing. I'll leave it up to you. I'll link it, but I'm not clicking on it. You decide whether you want this guy to have All Of His Dirty-Filthy Dreams Come True or not.
Personally, I'm in the "not" category. What the hell did he ever do for me? What do I get out of this, exactly?
Nothing at all, that's what.
Thanks to Craig.