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March 21, 2006
Charlie Sheen Suspects US Government Plotted 9/11
In fairness to Charlie, he is very, very dumb:
Speaking to The Alex Jones Show on the GCN Radio Network, the star of current hit comedy show Two and a Half Men and dozens of movies including Platoon and Young Guns, Sheen elaborated on why he had problems believing the government's version of events.
Sheen agreed that the biggest conspiracy theory was put out by the government itself....
"We're not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue," said Sheen.
"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions."
Sheen described the climate of acceptance for serious discussion about 9/11 as being far more fertile than it was a couple of years ago.
"It feels like from the people I talk to in and around my circles, it seems like the worm is turning."
"In my circles." By which he means his nutjob father and the one Denise Richards breast he's managed to remain on good terms with.
His evidence? The "pancaking" of the upper floors of the WTC on to the lower floors "looked like a controlled demolition," ergo it must have been.
Thanks to Craig.