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March 21, 2006
Feministe Women's Talk Radio Station Gets Big Funding From Hollywood Harridans
Something else that just ain't gonna work:
Led by former FCC Commissioner Susan Hess and Jones MediaAmerica exec Edie Hilliard, a Seattle-based MoveOn.org supporter, the fledgling operation claims its programming will focus on lifestyle topics, rather than politics.
With Jane Fonda, Rosie O'Donnell, Billie Jean King and Gloria Steinem providing financing, in addition to Hilliard's far-left background and that of its newly-hired hosts, however, will this really be possible?
Or is it now impossible to raise money with "liberal politics" found anywhere inside a business plan?
Do women really have that much in common that they need their own radio station? Is there really enough woman-specific material fo fill that much airtime? What the hell can they talk about all day?
I have a sneak peak at their tentative line-up:
7-10 AM: "I Don't Think I Should Have To Come Into Work When I Have My Period (Or The Week Before, Actually)," with hostesses Sarah McCord
10AM - 1 PM: "Are You Mad At Me? Seriously, You've Been Quiet All Day. You Would Tell Me If You Were Mad At Me, Right?," with co-hostesses Nicki Tyler and Susan "Bunny" Pappodopolis
1-4 PM: "Let's Chat About Last Night's American Idol, and Also Trading Spaces, Extreme Makeover, Nanny 9-11, and What a Whore The New Bachelorette Is," with hostess Bonnie Danielson
Good lord. 24 hours a day about eco-friendly diapers, lactation, job discrimination, and Meredith Baxter-Birney interviews. Fun.