"Let me see if I can find the title.
Posted by: sa ..."
Duke Lowell:
"The thing about clearing out the dead underbrush i ..."
San Franpsycho:
"It can be lunch time
Oh wait, I am home so anytim ..."
Boss Moss:
"Can we build the California refugees conestogas? ..."
"If you want something to relax, these folks restor ..."
"18 One of the almost dozen books on the Russian Bo ..."
"More damn Disinformation!
Ben Domenech@bdomenec ..."
Duke Lowell:
"I've heard that Oregon sent fire engines to Califo ..."
Mo Mo Mo's Tent Emporium:
"Free camel with every tent. ..."
Way,Way Downriver[/i][/b]:
"Would Hearst say ‘Go east, young man’ ..."
"14 Hi! Sorry I'm late. Migraine. If I act like a d ..."
Mister Scott (Formerly GWS):
"$7.5 billion to build ZERO new CA reservoirs
Tw ..."