� Seems Appropriate |
Nick Coleman, The Worst Junior League Minor-Market No-Account Columnist In America �
February 13, 2006
Italy's PM Berlusconi: "I Am The Jesus Christ Of Politics"
Lot of this going 'round lately:
First it was Napoleon. Now it is Jesus Christ.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Belusconi has compared himself to both, prompting the open scorn of his political opponents and even the quietly raised eyebrows of his coalition partners.
“I am the Jesus Christ of politics,” Italian media quoted him as saying at a dinner with supporters on Saturday night. “I am a patient victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone.”
On Friday, Berlusconi compared himself to Napoleon, saying only the French emperor had done more for his country.
You'll recall Berlusconi recently pledged to abstain from sex until the elections.
His new pledge? "I will redeem mankind from its original state of sin, at least until the elections. And then I think I'll try to conquer Europe. Until the elections, you understand."
Thanks to S J.