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January 20, 2006
Call It What It Is
Update: The exceptional Ms. Malkin has the goods on this story.
Original post begins here:
What do you call a bunch of people who do this:
Using improvised incendiary devices made from milk jugs, petroleum products and homemade timers, they carried out attacks between 1996 and 2001, the indictment alleged. Targets included U.S. Forest Service ranger stations, U.S. Bureau of Land Management wild horse facilities, lumber companies, meat processing companies, a ski area and the power line
The first thought in my head is: Terrorist. Plain and simple.
But then again I am a little "behind the times" as the kids say.
For some reason the AP/CNN calls this "Ecoterrorism". It may just be semantics, but I would rather call them terrorists. Putting the little "eco" in front seems like an attempt to soften the terrorist label.
I mean, after all they are just terrorists FOR the environment. They just really believe in their cause. Besides, no one got hurt.
Look, it is just a matter of time before these environmental whacko's start killing people. Who knows, it may be by accident, but once the blow has been struck, who knows what will follow.
I hope like hell that the FBI is keeping close tabs on these guys.

posted by WunderKraut at
01:38 PM
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