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January 20, 2006
The Movie You Hate The Most.
All right, now is the time when folks have typically put out their "Best of. . ." movie lists for the year before. I'm still working on my lists, but I figured that since it's a Friday, I'd post something light (you know, like a pamphlet on famous Jewish sports legends).
Which movies do you hate the most? Not just which movies do you think are bad-- this could easily be a movie that everyone else thinks is good, but for some reason (that you should elucidate), you just can't stand it.
I could give you a long list of films that I hate, but just one from this past year was the Ring 2. I wrote at length at just how stupid the film was. What's worse, I *loved* the, uhhh, original (American) version of The Ring, yet the sequel was both so bad AND totally nonessential that it ruined my enjoyment of the first movie. Gee, thanks a lot, guys.
Okay, your turn: which movies do you hate, and why?

posted by Dave From Garfield Ridge at
01:18 PM
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