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January 09, 2006
Remember When Liberals Used To Support American Democracy?
James Risen apparently doesn't. Once again, a confirmed member of the Eastern Liberal Establishment pines for the day when the elected representatives of our government get out of the way of Ivy educated, unelected bureaucrats to let them rule.
Let's Try Some Of These Cutting-Edge Democratic Reforms Out! Update: JoeInDC44 writes--
Hmm, maybe we could make it so that only people who own land vote? Or perhaps people that pass some sort of IQ test, like a written poll exam. Maybe we should exclude people who are of a certain heritage, religion or occupation. I got it, lets make people pay to vote. I mean, we don't want just anyone voting.
Great ideas, certainly! But I think Risen is more of the mind that everyone should vote, but their votes should just be ignored, and a permanent governing intelligentsia -- let's call it, oh, I don't know, a "Politburo," or, more euphonious I think, a "Revolutionary Vanguard" of some sort -- should rule as they please despite the masses' so-called "votes" and "preferences."
Another great idea that hasn't been tried yet, but just might work!