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January 02, 2006
The NYT, Undermining The War Effort And Darned Proud Of It
As Woody Allen said in Sleeper, "The New York Times is an organization that helps terrorists kill innocent civilians. Sort of as a public service."
Remember how liberals, in particular, blasted the Bush Administration for failing to engage the Muslim world through "public diplomacy" and the like?
Well, the Bush Administration did just that in Iraq, paying Muslim Sunni scholars to help them craft propaganda/information pieces to help defuse the insurgency.
The Times writes this up as if it's something nefarious, and also, you know, pretty much ends the usefulness of the program entirely.
Internal company financial records show that Lincoln spent about $144,000 on the program from May to September. It is unclear how much of this money, if any, went to the religious scholars, whose identities could not be learned.
Although, apparently, they tried to learn those names. To what end? To print their names so that they could be murdered?
The amount is a tiny portion of the contracts, worth tens of millions, that Lincoln has received from the military for "information operations," but the effort is especially sensitive.
Yes, it is especially sensitive. Propaganda efforts always are. And thank you so much for ratting us out.
How do they justify running a piece like this when they cannot even hint at what could be unethical, let alone illegal, about it? It's a nothing little fart of a story that does nothing to inform Americans (it's common sense that we'd be doing this, after all) and only serves the purposes of Al Qaeda.
So, Sunni clerics were paid by the US to help us. And yet the NYT continues to help Al Qaeda at no charge.
Thanks to Allah.