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December 13, 2005
How the scum in the MSM operate.
I hate the MSM. No shock there. But what I hate about them the most, is the insidious way they operate. Its always very subtle, and you have to be on your guard all the time.
For instance, I saw a clip of this past Sunday's Meet The Press. They had that fat cow Albright on and she was spewing the company line like a broken record. But Tim Russert was a willing co-conspirator. When he had Condi Rice on recently he asked her if she was going to run for President or not. She said no. Then he asked her again. She said no again. Then he kept asking her over and over. What a dick! Now fast forward to this past Sunday. Porky Albright had the balls to say that the sanctions on Iraq were working! Did that moron Russert challenge her on that? Hell no!
So what made me think of all this just now? I saw the headline which the degenerates at the NY Times used for my good buddy Tookie.
Stanley Tookie Williams, Crips Gang Co-Founder, Is Executed
Here is what I would have written:
Convicted murderer of 4 is given death penalty.
At least the NY Times didn't use:
Internationally loved children's author is killed in the prime of his life.

posted by Tanker at
12:30 PM
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