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December 03, 2005
Atrios, My Hero, And I'm Not Kidding
Remember Pat Summerall? He was a famously laconic play-by-play man. Here's Sommerall describing, say, Jerome Bettis taking a handoff:
Bettis... three yards.
Here's him describing a 50 yard Hail Mary resulting in an interception and runback for a touchdown the other way:
Shotgun... he's looking... pass up... intercepted... has the sideline... touchdown.
Notice no exclamation points. I always liked that about him.
Now, Pat Summerall may seem to be a lazy broadcaster, until you contrast him with motormouths like Dan Dierdorf and John Madden, who you just wish would shut the hell up instead of trying to fill every second with dopey or cutesy or obvious analysis. Uhhh, like me, I guess.
Atrios/Duncan Black/Eschaton/Whatever is the Pat Summerall of the blogosphere:
The King of Zembla interviews Joe Dante.
-Atrios 11:49 AM
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How Not to let the Word Racism Drive You Insane
Ampersand has good advice.
This roughly applies to discussions of sexism, too. The fact that you don't have a set of robes in your closet or you don't think of yourself as a misogynist doesn't mean that nothing that ever comes out of your mouth has its roots in racism or sexism, whether there's any of that intention behind it. Relax, consider the criticism.
(via pandagon)
-Atrios 9:24 AM
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Bowl Games
Thank God Congress is going to start working on the really important stuff which is just crying out for congressional meddling.
(via americablog)
-Atrios 9:14 AM
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Open Thread
Leaving all the changes far from far behind. we relieve the tension only to find out the thread's name.
-Atrios 8:56 AM
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Open Thread
I asked my love to give me shelter And all she offered me were threads.
-Atrios 5:36 AM
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Breaking News
John "Stumpy" Pepys killed.
-Atrios 12:24 AM
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Zombie Reviews?
I noticed Showtime was not free for all, but how did the rest of you enjoy it?
-Atrios 12:06 AM
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Your Invitation Has Arrived
Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Fox News party!
-Atrios 12:01 AM
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Friday, December 02, 2005
Open Thread
Have you heard of a thread that will help us get it together again? Have you heard of the thread that will stop us going wrong?
-Atrios 9:56 PM
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Evening Thread
Don't forget - Zombies. Showtimes. 10pm.
For the fainthearted don't worry, it isn't really scary.
-Atrios 6:47 PM
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In a half-day of blogging, he wrote one paragraph of obvious crap, started four open threads, and had one semi-open thread soliciting reviews for some show on Showtime. ("Zombies"? My guess it that it's part of the hit-and-miss-but-mostly-miss "Masters of Horror" series. Only the Lovecraft one was any good, and it wasn't even that good.)
And. Look. At. The. Comment. Numbers.
The sick thing is that, according to Atrios, his Sitemeter doesn't even count his comment-hits, as they're on Haloscan (and, I assume, he doesn't have the Sitemeter counting-code on there). Which means he's getting 200,000 hits a day to a main page containing almost nothing but open threads -- and millions of uncounted hits to his comment boxes.
A lefty blogger notes that Black isn't a morning read anymore for this reason.
I don't want to say that quantity trumps quality, but I don't see any quality here at all.
I swear I am going to start a lefty blog.
I think I'll call it "Teachable Moments." Crazy blog-money, here I come!