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November 02, 2005
Krazy Kartoon Killfest
Iranian cartoon promotes glamorous career of suicide-bombing. To kids, of course.
Actual cartoon is here.
Abd Al-Rahman: "Oh God, I must take revenge upon these bloodthirsty aggressors, who murdered my father, mother, and brother."
(As Al-Rahman sobs, Karim appears and comforts him.)
Karim: "Abd Al-Rahman, your father was my uncle. You are like a brother to me. Whatever you decide to do, my brother, know that I will stand by your side."
Karim: "This is not only in revenge for your father, mother, and brother. This bloodthirsty man must be held accountable for all his crimes. We must not allow these bloodthirsty Zionists to take even one inch of our holy land. If necessary, we will die this way."
(Jassem nods.)
Khalil: "Well said! I applaud your deep faith."
(Scene changes: A dirt road. Abd Al-Rahman, waiting for an Israeli military convoy to pass by, ties a string of grenades around his waist. The convoy approaches.)
Jassem: "Brothers, get ready. They are coming."
Abd Al-Rahman: "I place my trust in God. Allah Akbar."
(Al-Rahman pulls the grenade pins and leaps onto one of the trucks, screaming. Gunfire and explosions; the scene is obscured by black smoke. When the smoke clears, there is devastation – the Israeli soldiers and the Palestinian attackers, including Al-Rahman, lie dead.
A young Palestinian boy approaches Al-Rahman's body, takes his bloody kaffiyeh, places it on his own shoulders, and walks off into the sunset.)
You see that? The young Palestinian boy takes the kaffiyeh and wears it himself? Suggesting that he will be the next to take up the cause of the exposive martyr?
Ahhhh... the circle of death. It all comes together.
Why is that lefties make so much noise about living in a fascist state, where war is promoted and dissent "chilled," and never say anything about real fascist states where death-porn like this is played to children?
The stock answer is, of course, "Because it's more important to me that my country be righteous."
All of a sudden it's "my country."
It's funny that these expressions of intense love of country usually only come from lefties when challenged as to why they only malign America. Most of the rest of the time they seem to argue that their status as Americans is just happenstance and that they really belong to a "global community."
But when challenged as to why they never stop reviling America, then they start putting America first. First for blame, that is.
Because they love her just. too. damn. much.
It is not fascist, guys, to be clear-eyed about how bloody-minded some of our enemies are. And yes, the Iranian Government is an enemy. They want the bomb. The very same bomb you don't trust George Bush with.
And don't take much solace in the fact that that cartoon is "merely" about killing Zionists. That's sort of like a black man finding hope in the fact that he's only second on the KKK's hit list. (Jews first, again.)
Thatnks to utron.