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November 02, 2005
Question: Why Didn't Libby Anonymously Post Plame-Tip... On a Blog?
I think the fact that he was talking to reporters shows he didn't think he was doing anything wrong. If he thought he was doing something wrong, why not just leave a tip annoymously on some reporter's doorstep?
And, as the headline question asks, why not go down to a Kinko's, get a computer for an hour (paying cash), and drop email tips from a use-once hotmail account and let some bloggers know the story?
The funny thing is... no one knew about the Novak item, really, until the left started screaming about the leak. (And the left-leaning blogs were crucial in pushing this story into the MSM.)
Miller didn't use the Plame info. Matt Cooper mentioned it briefly (I think). Novak mentioned it briefly.
And it wasn't heard of again, until the big story became the leak itself rather than the content of the leak (the CIA sent someone's husband on a put-up job to Niger).
Now, imagine if that story had been debuted in the blogosphere. Wall to wall coverage, uberlinkage, millions of people reading it within the week. Let's face it, a lot of us would just link it because it was a blogosphere scoop.
And it would have been a more or less an untraceable tip, if you're trying to be shady about it.
I don't think the Old Guard really gets this INTERNET thing yet.
I think when they do get it, blogs are going to be used for this sort of tipping. This is the Last Big Shady Leak the media will get.
Or at least the Last Big Shady Leak that helps conservatives. Liberals of course will continue using the New York Times and the rest of the liberal media, who are more than willing to repeat their Republican-undermining leaks, no questions asked.
Just so you idiots in government know: We can pick up the phone and ask for comment, and run searches and the like. Even do a little research. Just like our priestly caste of journalists do.