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Monday Overnight Open Thread - March 10, 2025 [Doof]
Kite Surfing Cafe Trump Repurposes Biden's Illegal Immigration-Enabling App to Turn It Into an App That Urges Illegals to Go Home Democrat Fundraising Organization "ActBlue" Is Coordinating Violent Protests Against Elon Musk and Tesla After a Six Week Review, SecState Marco Rubio Cancels 83% of USAID Grifter Spending Stacey Abrams Goes on Allahpundit-Favorite Chris Hayes to Explain Why She Totally Deserved $2 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars Hyperpartisan Senator and All-Around Scumbag Chris Murphy Abandons His Wife For His Much Younger Side-Piece, a Millennial Who Runs a Leftwing Propaganda Mill That Posts Democrat Talking Points Disguised as "Local News Reports" ICE Agents Arrest Palestinian Activist Who Leads the Columbia Protests THE MORNING RANT: The Hartford Insurance is Canceling Coverage to the American Energy Institute Because It Promotes Carbon-Based Energy Mid-Morning Art Thread Absent Friends
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November 16, 2005
Belated Bad Poetry SLAM! Winners: Category One, "Integrity"SCENE: A corporate boardroom. CAROLYN takes a seat to the left; a BLONDE MAN IN AN ORANGE SHIRT AND GREEN TIGHTS takes a seat to the right. The main doors open, and DONALD TRUMP enters the boardroom and sits. TRUMP: Okay. So, the Ace of Spades readers were assigned a task to write bad poetry. How did they do, Carolyn? CAROLYN: I think they did well overall, Mr. Trump. TRUMP: Good, good. Once again, George is away on business. Or should I say, "business." I think he's on some kind of sex-tour in Thailand. CAROLYN: Actually he's finalizing your acquisition of the Continental Hotel in Geneva. TRUMP: They call Thailand "The Switzerland of the Orient." CAROLYN: Nobody calls it that. TRUMP: Sure they do. My mechanic told me that when I was preparing to jump the central, gorgeous fountain at the Tropicana Hotel in Vegas on a red white and blue motorcycle. CAROLYN: That wasn't you. That was Evel Kinievel. TRUMP: Now who's being naive, Carolyn? Daredevil stunts are a two billion dollar a year business, and, in my guise as Evel Kinievel, I'm the largest purveyor of daredevil spectacles in the world. CAROLYN: No, you're not. TRUMP: Well, maybe I'm not. And that's the key to business: Just making up shit left and right. Who do we have to replace George today? CAROLYN: He joined the Trump Organization last May to help conform our West Side development project with the EPA's requirements: Aquaman. TRUMP: Jesus, he's the lamest guest executive ever. Can't we just get Omarosa or someone? CAROLYN: She wasn't available. TRUMP: Well, okay. Welcome then, Aquaman. AQUAMAN: The King of the Seven Seas bids you a hearty "Ahoy!" TRUMP: You're not going to summon any fish or anything, are you? AQUAMAN: No. TRUMP: Good. I always thought that was pretty gay. You're up against the Black Mantis and your big trick is to summon a school of tilapa. I think you missed your calling. You should quit the Justice League and join Red Lobster. AQUAMAN: I've had offers. TRUMP: I'd look into them. Selling Fisherman's Platters is a ninety billion dollar a year industry. The tartar sauce industry is a seven hundred thirty trillion dollar a year enterprise. CAROLYN (to Aquaman): Ignore him. He gets this way sometimes. TRUMP: Okay. So we have to announce the winners.
Carolyn? CAROLYN: Well, the original contest was to write bad liberal poetry. TRUMP: Like Maya Angelou? She's horrible. You like Maya Angelou, Aquaman? AQUAMAN: Love her. She makes my heart sing. TRUMP: Figures. I never believed that Batman and Robin gay thing, but I'll bet you've taken a shot at the Boy Wonder. Actually, you sort of dress alike. Did you design his outfit? AQUAMAN: That's not important. TRUMP: Sonofabitch, you did. Well, there's another in the long line of impressive Aquaman powers. Swims fast. Talks to fish. Seamstress. Anyway, Carolyn...? CAROLYN: So, yes, the original contest was for bad liberal poetry. But most entrants were just bad silly poetry. So we've had to split the awards into two groups: "Loose Shit" -- the funny ones which really didn't satisfy the specified criteria -- and "Inegrity" -- for those which did. "Integrity" had a lot more entries, and longer poems too. It was hard to judge them -- they were, after all, supposed to be bad -- but we've managed to cull them down into a list of the best entrants. TRUMP: Let's start with the honorable mentions in each category. And let's speed this up. I have to go fly my helicopter to my limo later so I can cruise around, lookin' cool. CAROLYN: All right. But there are a lot of honorable mentions in this category. TRUMP (playing with hair, ignoring her): Hey Carolyn, remember Mr. Microphone? "Hey Good Lookin', be back to pick you up later..." Novelty microphone pick-up systems are a sixty-eight billion dollar a year industry. CAROLYN: Yeahhh... Anyway. The first honorable mention in the Integrity category was actually the first poem submitted. And it's by Joan of Aaargh: I live a life AQUAMAN: Fabulous. It really speaks to me. TRUMP: Jesus. The Riddler looks at you and laughs. Okay, so that was a really bad one, Carolyn. I imagine they'll get worse. CAROLYN: Much worse. The next Integrity Honorable Mention is by Gaylord Ravenal... TRUMP: Wait, that poem has to be disqualified. No Trump personnel is allowed in this contest. I'm pretty sure "Gaylord Ravenal" is Aquaman's secret identity. AQUAMAN: Don't hate me because I have the courage to be who I am. CAROLYN: ... and, anyway, it goes like this: Within the pits where the lymphy stream flourishes TRUMP: I didn't understand a damn word of that. I did like the part about "paps," though. Carolyn, what say I get you some really yooooge breast implants, magnifcent, classy implants, the very best, and name those monsters "The Trump International Paps"? CAROLYN: We've had this discussion before, and the answer's still no. Next up is Von Kreedon, with "Cry:" Cry i am i (Aquaman begins sobbing with emotion) TRUMP: Carolyn, pass Captain Estrogen here some Kleenex. CAROLYN: Next up, "WHY?," by Pompous. WHY? WHY do you hate me so? TRUMP: Good God, these poems are whiny. I hate whiny. And that's the key to business: Don't be a fuckin' whiner. CAROLYN: You can't say "fuck," Mr. Trump. TRUMP: The hell I can't. I remember when I was producing All In The Family, and I wanted to get into some edgy, controversial areas... CAROLYN: That wasn't you. TRUMP: ...and I remember looking the Network Suits in the eye and telling them, "I don't care what Standards & Practices says, Archie's gonna call Rob Reiner 'Meathead' and if you don't like it, you can stuff it right up your pooper." I broke barriers in television, Carolyn. And that's the key to business, Carolyn: Looking the "suits" right in the eye and saying the word "pooper." CAROLYN: Fine, whatever. The next honorable mention comes from Jack M., and it's called "Youth." Youth I fear that time TRUMP: That's really very bad. It's like the spoken-word part of the Moody Blues' Knights in White Satin, only more depressing. I remember when I was on the road with the Moody Blues -- playing lead electric guitar for a rock and roll band is a seventy-nine quadrillion dollar a year buisness -- and... CAROLYN: ...and we're moving on. "Ode to a Misfit," by Bbeck: Ode to a Misfit On the walkway, through the window, TRUMP: Jesus, that was whiny! How the hell does that chick get any play? CAROLYN: Big cans. TRUMP: Oh, well. There you go. You like big cans, Aquaman? AQUAMAN: I have an appreciation for the female form, if that's what you mean. TRUMP: That's not what I meant, but you answered my question anyway. How about a really buff set of pecs? AQUAMAN: Mr. Trump, I find this to be demeaning. I will not have you make unfounded insinuations about my sexuality. TRUMP: Whoa, whoa. Simmer down there, Stacey. Just making jokes. And that's the key to business: When you're the boss, make sure you demean you employees as much as possible. Let them know their is no "I" in "Team," but there damnsure is an "I" in "You're fired." As a matter of fact, "You're fired" is the shortest sentence in the English language containing all of the vowels. That's why I chose it as my catchphrase. CAROLYN: It doesn't have an "a" in it. TRUMP: "A's" not a vowel. CAROLYN: I'm pretty sure it is, Mr. Trump. TRUMP: Well, agree to disagree. You know what has an "a" in it? "Drop it and move on." CAROLYN: Gotcha. An untitled offering from Mark: o, biker! (Aquaman rises from his seat and begins doing the "slow clap of deep approval.") TRUMP: Sit your ass down, Susan. This isn't a Julia Stiles movie. Carolyn, is there any light at the end of this tunnel? CAROLYN: I'll finish up the Honorable Mentions quickly. "The Forgotten Flower," by Tom: The Forgotten Flower for "CONCRETE," by rho: CONCRETE ccccccccCCCCCCCCCCCCCcccccccccccccccccc TRUMP: I like that one. For some reason it reminds me of concrete. CAROLYN: "An Ode To Ogden Nash," by Michael: Ode to Ogden Nash Darkness descends upon my soul I huddle in my closet TRUMP: Oooh, name-checking another poet. Carolyn, did you know poetry was a hundred and forty eight dollar a year business? That's why I'm in casinos. CAROLYN: Untitled, by rls: A man with a nameless face CAROLYN: Another untitled poem, this one by S. Weasel: my finger reaches down TRUMP: That's a good one. That's the sort of poem a depressed coed writes in her Sophomore year. A chick rights a lame poem like that, you know she's got pretty low self-esteem. Easy pickin's. CAROLYN: And finally: The Runners Up. The second runner up is "If Only Al Gore," by Paul Krugman, as dictated to lyle:
The Wretched Soul doth moan, The farce should not have stood What is left - but Death? CAROLYN: And the First Runner Up, which will carry out the duties of the winner should it become unable to do so. "Some place," by Monty: Some place TRUMP: Very condescending. Like American Beauty, but without all the tits. AQUAMAN: I grew up in a town like that and it was hell. TRUMP: I'm not sure you would have been happy growing up anywhere outside that dance academy in Fame. And the winner, Carolyn? CAROLYN: Well, the winner in the Integrity category is a poem so bad it actually could get published in a bad-liberal-poetry review, like the New England Poetry Quarterly. It's very hard to tell this from a supposedly "good poem," and that's why it wins. It, too, is by Monty: It's a bright sunny day, and a good thing TRUMP: I know I should feel touched, but I don't. AQUAMAN: Exquisite. TRUMP: Oh God. Hey, my Trump Danger Watch just beeped. There's a giant squid attacking a cocktail cruise down in Key West! AQUAMAN: Sorry, friends, I'll be leaving you. I have a date in Key West! TRUMP: I'll bet you do. (Aquaman exits.) TRUMP: God, I'm glad to be rid of him. Will George be back for the next round? CAROLYN: I really doubt it. TRUMP: Well, there you go-- the winners for the first category of the Bad Poetry Slam. We'll be back with the winners in the "Loose Shit" category tomorrow. And, by the way: You're all fired. All of you. Get out. | Recent Comments
Cicero (@cicero43):
"That wheat, it stings. ..."
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Monday Overnight Open Thread - March 10, 2025 [Doof]
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