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September 20, 2005
Hoist The Black Flag, Today at 4PM Eastern
At Rightalk.
Our guest today is Jack Kelly, national security columnist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Toledo Blade, and a nationally syndicated columnist to boot. We'll discuss what went right with the feds' Katrina response, and what went wrong with Dan Rather's brain-wiring.
We'll be having him on right away, due to a major screw-up (mine) in scheduling the appearance, which means you'll be spared of my long-winded blather of an opening babble. We'll save that for the last half of the show.
How the hell can I get anyone to call in? Let's just call today "Open Line Tuesday" or "Anything Goes Day." 866-884-TALK.
Did I mention that the call's charge will be discretely billed to "GLOBAL TRANSEXUAL PORNOGRAPHY INTERNATIONAL"?
No, just kidding. It's free.
But the third caller will receive my special "mix videotape" of the hottest scenes from The Crying Game and Dressed to Kill mixed with Jamie Gumm from Silence of the Lambs.
It's a keeper. Sooooo hot.